Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Identify This Sideline Hottie

Reader CW sent me this picture of a sideline reporter he took with a Nikon at a (I think) baseball game, but he has no idea who she is. Anyone have a clue? Help our man CW out. I’ve sent CW an email for more info — i.e. where he took it, etc, to narrow the clues. For now, take a look at the pics. What a nice smile. P.S. It appears she’s an FSN reporter by the mic logo.

Update: CW says this was taken in Seattle, Washington at a Mariners-Red Sox game last year. So, we know she works for FSN in the Washington area.

Reader CW sent me this picture of a sideline reporter he took with a Nikon at a (I think) baseball game, but he has no idea who she is. Anyone have a clue? Help our man CW out. I’ve sent CW an email for more info — i.e. where he took it, etc, to narrow the clues. For now, take a look at the pics. What a nice smile. P.S. It appears she’s an FSN reporter by the mic logo.

Update: CW says this was taken in Seattle, Washington at a Mariners-Red Sox game last year. So, we know she works for FSN in the Washington area.

Update: The consensus seems to be that this is Nicole Zaloumis.