Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The crime is called "mayhem," but her mental state was called "manic."

So Karen Lueders, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, will serve no jail time for biting off her husband's tongue.
Police were called to the couple's home by her 79-year-old husband William Lueders, who used "uh huh" to communicate with a 911 dispatcher. According to a criminal complaint, officers found Karen Lueders carrying a New Year's horn in her hand and singing Christmas carols outside the house.

In a written statement, Willard Lueders told police he went into the bathroom while his wife was on the toilet Dec. 6. When he leaned over to kiss her, she went into a "manic state," grabbing his genitals and biting his tongue.

William Lueders has recovered and is able to speak clearly. A judge gave the couple permission to continue living together, and they have appeared at court appearances holding hands.