Saturday, December 11, 2010

Random Thoughts of The Day : 11.12. 2010

1. People say when you are married, you shouldn't tell your marriage problems to a third party. For me, it's better to tell your friends because your friends won't INTERFERE. But if you tell your PARENTS, your parents will DEFINITELY INTERFERE. Why?

a. They see your partner often, obviously they might bring up some of the problems either directly or indirectly.

b. They think you guys are a FAMILY NOW. So as family, they have rights to interfere.

c. They spend money on your wedding etc, they look after your child. So it's implied they have a say in the family if there's a problem.

Sharing problems is a good thing, that way you will know whether what you did is wrong or right. You can try marriage counseling but that would mean you and your partner have to hear each others problem and if one partner is not happy hearing about that problem, you are dead. Honestly, if you have a problem with your partner, just tell it to your partner. Why prolong an irritating problem?

2. Patience. Don't even claim that you are patient or accept things as there are with your partner if you are cheating behind her/his back. People say they have a so called "problem" with their partner and it's an ongoing problem. If they tell the partner, the partner wouldn't listen or change. So why not go for a break up/divorce? Most people simply don't want to take this drastic solution but yet they have the nerve to say they accept things as there are but turning to the wrong solution, a.k.a affairs/scandals/cheating.

3. I'm beginning to think affairs are a norm in relationship, especially in marriage. Ignorance is bliss.

4. Children. I went to Ikea today and so damn annoyed with the children running around. For crying out loud, why don't you just send your children to the playhouse while you do your errands in the store? I don't mind if your child is well behaved not running around. And why am i annoyed with running children? Coz i can knocked them over with my trolley and I DO FEEL LIKE DOING IT. It's bad enough that the place is crowded with adults and now with children too? And do you know it's not good to bring your newborn child out to a crowded place?

5. People who like to show off should get a life. No point having fancy stuff if you are having many debts.

6. License to Love. Attempting or committing suicide over a failed relationship is lame and pathetic. Sometimes i wonder why some people are so emotional when it comes to relationship, as if the world will end if you can't have that guy or girl. Your dignity is more important than your partner. Some people are simply not fit to be in a relationship if they can't think rationally.