Saturday, December 11, 2010

Another Week In The Bucket..., is it Saturday already? And still on the to-do list: holiday shopping! I had a pretty productive week... only missed one of my scheduled events, the "exit interview" with NY Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch (another reporter had already pulled the assignment, unbeknownst to me!) Wonder if RR uttered his infamous "seed corn" reference?
Bill Clinton: Obama 'Made a Good Decision'
Nationally, the "big story" revolved around President Obama throwing the keys over to Bill Clinton! Doug Powers blogs the details... MSNBC compares the two Pres's...
Too late for me to cover: First (and second) veto by Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings, who said "nyet" to Councilman Anton Konev & friends budget provision to keep Bath #2 operational.

More hyperlocal news: the trial of DeVon Callicutt, accused murderer of Richard Bailey.

Interesting was the "collapse" of NYC OTB and suddenly NYRA is talking about shuttering Saratoga again.

More interesting was the meeting of the New York State County Executives in donwtown Albany Friday afternoon. They attended a New York State Association of Counties meeting, folowed by a luncheon, followed by a press conference. Here's Fox23's coverage with a link to the full report. To hear the county execs tell it, both "on mic" and off, the Empire State is rocketing toward financial doom. They're wishing and hoping and planning and dreaming that change will come when Andrew Cuomo takes over as Governor. Let's hope so!

Most interesting: activists report the finding of cancer-causing BPAs on receipt paper. The toxic substance is on the surface of the paper and rubs off onto money and the inner linings of wallets and purses. All of my news stories are on the radio station website.

Good news regarding jobs: NextAct of Colonie reported a huge increase in job postings in just the 24-hour period from Thursday to Friday, and the State Labor Dept. is pushing on in efforts to help the unemployed land work.

In sports, the SIENA men's BB team defeated again. So what else is new?

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