Polish Title: Golasy: Film Psychologiczny
English title: The Naked: A Psychological Film
Genre: Comedy & Drama
Language: Polish
Country of Origin: Poland
Special Features: English Subtitles, On/Off Biographies, Out Takes, Stills Gallery and Chapter Points (The Dog, The Bank, The Twins, The Doctor, The Kan Kan and The Knife
Format: DVD, PAL, Full-Screen 4:3
Cast (in credits order):
Anna Pudłowska, Barbara Gąsior, Agnieszka Paśko, Irena Kołodziej, Waldemar Płotek, Danuta Sokalska, Milosz Turowski, Maks Turowski, Beata Bodniak, and Tomasz Koloddziejczyk
Rest of cast (in alphabetical order):
Jerzy Grobel, Małgorzata Kąca, Jerzy Kapeluszny, Karol Lamka,
Marek Laski, Renata Michalska, and Ryszard Strzalkowski
Production Design: Justyna Wójcicka
Sound Department: Henryk Szurkowski
Sound Editor: Mariusz Szulc
Film Editor: Robert Piechnik
Executive Producers: Beata Świętnicka & Monica Dobra-Każimierczuk
Camera and Electrical Department: Wojciech Rawecki
Screenplay: Krzysztop Jaworski & Witold Świętnicki
Director: Witold Świętnicki
Producer: Fajgel Grupę ATM
Production Company: Wytwórnia Filmów Amerykańskich
Region: 2
No. of Discs: 1
Classification: 15
Film Release Date: 25th October 2002
DVD Release Date: 6th October 2008 by Oracle Home Entertainment Ltd
Running Time: 1:12:34
Product Code: 5 060000 401844
Entry No.: 2008015
Entry Date: 9th December 2008
Awards: Viewers Award Warsaw International Film Festival 2001
The Naked takes place in an office.
The main characters in the film are some clerks. All play naked, but they don’t f*** because this is a psychological film.
A clerk’s life is full of many things – gossip, tea, coffee, the radio or even TV!
But, as we all know, a clerk’s life can also be full of danger – dog bites, tinned knuckle in the staff canteen, electric shocks, ransom demands… or even an exploding office.
The Naked gives you all this… and more, providing a challenging insight into life in an office where nobody wears any clothes.
The main characters in the film are some clerks. All play naked, but they don’t f*** because this is a psychological film.
A clerk’s life is full of many things – gossip, tea, coffee, the radio or even TV!
But, as we all know, a clerk’s life can also be full of danger – dog bites, tinned knuckle in the staff canteen, electric shocks, ransom demands… or even an exploding office.
The Naked gives you all this… and more, providing a challenging insight into life in an office where nobody wears any clothes.