Sunday, March 28, 2010

Memory of a death of a cat...

Somehow today, i recalled back what happened to my cat long time ago. She was my favourite because she was very affectionate. Her name was Tigress. She was just a normal stray cat which i picked up but she was beautiful because i love her fur pattern. She looks something like this cat:

I had her when i was around 10 or 11 years old. I remembered the date because it happened on my dad's birthday and 2 days before my birthday. It happened on 18th January.

That year, my parents decide to have a birthday party for me and my bro, whose birthday is also in January.

That time, my parents were divorced but my cat was living with my dad and occasionally i and my bro will stay with my dad, i think it's during the weekends. That afternoon, my mom and i just got back from the clothes shop where i bought the clothes that i was suppose to wear for my birthday party.

After that, we decide to stop by my dad's house to get some things and to look at the cat. She will come running to me whenever she sees me or when i call her, that's why i love her. I always have the habit of looking under the car to make sure there were no cats under it once the engine starts because i've seen a lot of cats that are being ran over just because they slept near the car tire and it happened a few times to my Grandma's cats since she has many cats.

That day, my mom didn't even park her car inside the house, she parked outside of the gate. My mom and i were in the car when i looked at my cat, who was at the balcony of the house. Then i looked away, my mom started the car. The moment we moved, we heard some kind of crunching sound, as if the tire ran over something. I immediately felt fear and i looked at the side view mirror and that's when i saw my cat, jumping up and down like crazy.

I have tears in my eyes just remembering it now. Every time i recall the accident, it just made me really sad and depressed.

It was the most awful thing i have seen. My cat was in a lot of pain, there was blood every where. I was crying and screaming. My mom panicked and was quiet. For a few seconds, my cat was jumping up and down in pain after being ran over, making painful noises. Then it stopped, and my cat just lie down there in blood.

My mom took out the clothes that i bought earlier from the plastic bag and put my cat's dead body inside it. We drove to my Grandma's house because after the divorce, my bro and i were temporarily living with our mom at my Grandma's house.

I was crying through out the time. It hurts inside. We buried my cat at the back of my Grandma's house. One of my cousins was there and she says that i was overreacting, it was just a cat. I wouldn't expect her to understand because she's not as passionate about cats as i was.

Sometimes, memory like this made me don't want to adopt cats because i can get too attached to them. And if they died or go missing, it'll make me depressed. After that incident, i never adopt any cats but instead, stray cats will come to my house and it would look like as if i'm adopting them . So far, i didn't have to witness any cat deaths, only missing cats that never return, which is less hurtful because i will always think that they are not dead, just went some where or some asshole kidnapped them.

I mean, even if i want to adopt a cat one day, i will adopt a cat that likes to sit at home 24/7... not the kind that needs to go outdoors. I can get too worried if my cat decides to stray too far from the house, or when it's outside of the house, it'll be exposed to more danger.

Only the memory of my dad cat can still bring tears to my eyes, compare to memory of ex bfs...