Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joslyn James Denies Provoking Tiger Woods Sexting, Promises More Sordid Details Shortly

*Source: TheHollywoodGossip.com

Last week, Joslyn James teed off on Tiger Woods by leaking a truckload of filthy texts allegedly from the golfer on her aptly-named website, sextingjoslynjames.com.

The Tiger Woods text messages, presented on a hilarious "iBone," present him as a seriously depraved individual. She says there's more were that came from, too.

In an interview with a New Zealand radio station, James says she plans to leak more dirty details soon, because people, including Elin Woods, have a right to know.

We totally do. Her interview highlights included:

  • Joslyn James denying she provoked the nasty, angry sexting.
  • Joslyn throwing Woods' caddy, Steve Williams, under the bus, ands teasing that she met other "athlete celebrities" during her dalliances with Tiger.
  • Joslyn calling Woods "a grown man who made the choice to send those messages based on things he wanted to try of a sexual nature and I obliged."
  • Joslyn denying she sold out Tiger for money, but at the same time teasing her big "future plans" and hilariously plugging her website on the air.

Here's the full-length Joslyn James interview ...

Hollywood Masti Masala